TaleMe reinvents stories for children

Offer them a new world, one story at a time

New! With the TaleMe app, co-create thousands of wonderful and meaningful stories to read, listen to, and share with your children!

Euratechnologies, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
La French Tech, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
Microsoft, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
BPI France, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
Plaine Image, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
Banque Populaire du Nord, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
CIC Nord Ouest, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
CITC Digital Innovation Hub, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories
Réseau Alliances, our partner for the development of TaleMe and children's stories

TaleMe est l'application ultime pour créer des histoires personnalisées pour enfant
en famille

+0families using TaleMe
0stories created and told
Approved by teachers
Average user rating

Stories written for children aged 6 to 10

The art of storytelling at TaleMe is based on narratives specifically designed for children aged 6 and above, with attention to every detail. Our narrative frameworks are created by professionals in screenwriting. These frameworks are designed to capture children's attention and inspire them with engaging plots, lovable characters, and age-appropriate messages. TaleMe also offers a unique narrative style that combines playfulness, emotions, and learning to help your children rediscover the joy of reading, which is so important at their age.

TaleMe, an app for co-creating children's stories and sharing family moments

Download TaleMe today with your children

Unforgettable moments of togetherness and thousands of stories in your hands! Try the free version of TaleMe today and benefit from many customizable episodes, read or listen. And if you're convinced, TaleMe Premium, is also:

Access to the entire TaleMe catalog (dozens of series)

New series and episodes exclusively each month

Your stories unlimited, to create and recreate in 5 seconds

Access to all stories, ultra customizable, fun and unique!

Original and stunning illustrations in every story

TaleMe is also a rich and colorful visual universe that children love. Every customization you bring to your story—whether it's the appearance of characters, settings, era, or context—influences the illustrations of each chapter, making them unique and tailored to the details you choose. Additionally, the cover illustration of your story is entirely designed based on the parameters you and your child select, ensuring a personalized and magical visual experience with each reading.

Unique, short, captivating, and always accessible stories for children

Each story is designed to be read in about 7 minutes of shared reading. You can customize them as you wish, as many times as you like, and easily find them in your library. With the TaleMe Premium subscription, access all series and episodes to enjoy even more exclusive content. Regardless of the version chosen, your stories remain available unlimitedly, anytime during the day, for you and your children.

An enormous (and rapidly growing) catalog for a tiny price

Tired of reading the same stories over and over? This problem disappears completely with TaleMe, as we enrich our catalog every month with dozens of new original stories. You and your child can embark on the discovery of rich and varied universes, episode by episode, chapter by chapter.

Create your stories today with TaleMe

Download TaleMe for free from the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone or tablet.

Transform your experiences into stories? It's possible with TaleMe

At TaleMe, we draw inspiration daily from the life of every day to create stories imbued with human values. However, the most beautiful stories for children around the world are your stories. Thanks to our app, share your stories, your character ideas, events, and more. Based on your stories, we will develop original and rich episodes, constantly enriching your library.

Not just children's stories, your own tales!

Embark on the adventure, bring your stone to the edifice, and contribute to the awakening of all children!
In the TaleMe app, you are invited to share your stories.
We draw inspiration from these daily testimonies.
We transform them into wonderful stories tailored to your children.
All children learn life lessons and flourish.

Enjoy TaleMe Premium today starting at $3.66 per month* only.

With TaleMe Premium, you can generate unlimited stories to help your children focus, grow, develop their vocabulary, and navigate the world with a solid emotional foundation. TaleMe Premium also includes:

A monumental catalog (dozens of series, hundreds of episodes)

New series and episodes exclusively each month

Your stories unlimited, to create and recreate in 5 seconds

Access to all stories, ultra customizable, fun, and unique!

*By choosing TaleMe Premium for a year, that's $44.99 / 12 months

They tested and loved it!


I really loved this app! My children loved being able to create stories with their dream heroes. I recommend it.


Easy story creation, we enjoy reading and rereading the stories. For children and those who still are, I highly recommend it. Go ahead and let your imagination run wild!

Mary & Tim

Beautiful illustrations that perfectly reflect the descriptions of the created characters! An application that sparks the curiosity of children (and adults) about the story that will emerge from their creation... captivating stories!


Easy and effective use. A great alternative to not spend too long looking for a book that will please children. And this allows you to share with them in a different way. The drawings are beautiful and the stories well-constructed.


Mother of two children, I was tired of reading the same books every night. With this app, we've found the joy of bedtime stories again!


Beautiful app, very easy to use but so original. The stories are nice and the illustrations very pretty.

They talk about us

Europe 1 parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
France Bleu National avec Willy Rovelli parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
Maddyness parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
La Tribune parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
BFM Grand Lille parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
La Voix du Nord parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
L'Essentiel parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.
Marcelle, le média des solutions parle de TaleMe, l'application qui permet aux familles de co-créer des histoires pour enfants.

At TaleMe, we have only one philosophy

Make children dream

Awaken their imagination and amaze them. Our stories transport them to extraordinary worlds, stimulate their creativity, and encourage them to believe in their dreams.

Make them think

Transmit values and encourage reflection. Stories help children understand the big questions of life, develop their empathy, and critical thinking.

Make them grow

Offer emotional or practical learning that allows children to acquire tools to better understand themselves, manage their emotions, and interact with others.

What you get, even in the free version

A quick look inside?


Discover a catalog of thematic series


Customize the chosen episode as a family


Enjoy a unique story in different formats


Enjoy a unique story in different formats

Customized stories for wonderful moments of camaraderie

Customization is the heart of our experience. We transform each story into a unique and immersive adventure. This customization brings a playful dimension, making stories universal, while allowing children to truly connect with the work. With TaleMe, you can customize your stories around three key criteria:

Cosmetic choice

Ambience and style: Customize the visual universe and atmosphere of the story to make it resemble your family.

Example of choice type: characters, universe, tone, values...

Narrative choice

Plot and twists: Modify key events and interactions to create a unique story.

Example of choice type: triggering event, main villain, goal...

Dynamic choice

Details and enhancements: Add nuances and variations for an even more immersive experience.

Example of choice type: allies, magical objects, narrative perspective...

What does a TaleMe story look like?

TaleMe offers stories in 5 chapters with narrative frameworks designed to help your children focus and marvel. Discover engaging plots, high-color images, lovable characters, and wonderful universes. In the app, in audio, or printed, our stories are ideal for being read by parents from 5-6 years old. They are the perfect support to accompany children learning to read by themselves.

Stories in 5 chapters

+ / - 7 min of reading

+ / - 7000 characters

1 audio version

1 cover illustration

5 illustrations

Available in 5 languages

Export to PDF

Hundreds of stories for children to discover and rediscover

Some series from the TaleMe catalog

Calendrier de l’Avent : 24 Histoires jusqu’à Noël

Calendrier de l’Avent : 24 Histoires jusqu’à Noël

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Plongez dans la magie de Noël avec le tout premier calendrier de l’Avent de TaleMe ! Découvrez 24 épisodes enchanteurs, où rêves, découvertes et leçons de vie se mêlent. Entre mondes fantastiques, rencontres inspirantes et aventures touchantes, cette série vous invite à découvrir des créations originales qui font rêver, réfléchir et grandir toute la famille. TaleMe vous souhaite de merveilleuses fêtes de Noël !

Number of episodes: 25

Les gardiens de l’hiver

Les gardiens de l’hiver

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Une série qui plonge les enfants au cœur de l’hiver, de Noël et de la nouvelle année. À travers fêtes, traditions et aventures dans le froid, chaque épisode explore un aspect unique de cette saison, entre moments chaleureux et découvertes étonnantes.

Number of episodes: 4

Le Voyage à Travers le Temps

Le Voyage à Travers le Temps

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Une série où les enfants deviennent des aventuriers capables de voyager dans différentes époques historiques (préhistoire, Égypte ancienne, Moyen Âge, etc.). Chaque épisode leur permet de personnaliser leurs aventures dans une nouvelle période, en découvrant des personnages célèbres ou en résolvant des mystères historiques.

Number of episodes: 8

Mystères et légendes du soleil levant

Mystères et légendes du soleil levant

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série s’inspire des légendes japonaises pour emmener les enfants à la rencontre des yokais, ces esprits mystérieux qui peuplent les forêts et les montagnes. Chaque histoire, à la fois fascinante et pleine de sagesse, se transforme en une fable riche de morale et d'enseignements, tout en éveillant la curiosité pour la culture japonaise et ses traditions.

Number of episodes: 1

Les voyages extraordinaires

Les voyages extraordinaires

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série ouvre les portes de mondes extraordinaires, où chaque aventure transporte les enfants dans des histoires qui émerveillent et font rêver. Elle nourrit l’imaginaire et offre un souffle d’évasion, tout en inspirant à voir le monde avec curiosité et poésie.

Number of episodes: 1

Les grandes aventures du quotidien

Les grandes aventures du quotidien

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série invite à découvrir avec douceur ces petits moments du quotidien qui, pour les enfants, peuvent sembler nouveaux ou parfois un peu intimidants. Elle accompagne les parents pour aborder ces instants avec bienveillance, en aidant les enfants à les comprendre et à en faire de précieux apprentissages.

Number of episodes: 3

Les sommets intérieurs

Les sommets intérieurs

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série invite à partir à la conquête de soi-même à travers des aventures qui repoussent les limites. Chaque défi, aussi grand ou inattendu soit-il, devient une occasion de transformation intérieure, où les personnages découvrent leur force, leur courage et leur capacité à grandir. Une série inspirante sur le dépassement de soi et la richesse des voyages intérieurs.

Number of episodes: 2

Un monde en musique

Un monde en musique

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série plonge les enfants dans l’univers vibrant de la musique, en explorant ses multiples facettes : les sons, les styles, les émotions qu’elle fait naître, et le plaisir de la pratiquer. Une invitation à découvrir, à s’inspirer et à cultiver leur curiosité pour cet art universel et infini.

Number of episodes: 1

Les histoires qui rassemblent

Les histoires qui rassemblent

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série célèbre la richesse des différences et invite à comprendre l’autre avec bienveillance. Elle aborde des thèmes comme les singularités, les défis et les préjugés, en transformant chaque histoire en une opportunité d’apprendre, de grandir et de mieux vivre ensemble. Une ode à l’inclusion et à la tolérance, où chaque voix compte.

Number of episodes: 2

La magie des fêtes

La magie des fêtes

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série réchauffe les cœurs avec des histoires drôles, bienveillantes et pleines de magie, inspirées de l’esprit de Noël et des fêtes de fin d’année. Une invitation à partager des moments chaleureux, à célébrer les petites joies et à découvrir la beauté de donner et de recevoir.

Number of episodes: 6

Apprendre la maitrise de soi avec Maitre Zéphir

Apprendre la maitrise de soi avec Maitre Zéphir

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Dans cette série, Maître Zéphir, un renard sage et bienveillant, guide les enfants sur le chemin de la maîtrise de soi. Avec douceur et sagesse, il leur enseigne à cultiver la patience, à comprendre leurs émotions et à développer leur calme intérieur. Une série apaisante et inspirante pour grandir en sérénité.

Number of episodes: 1

Les héros de demain

Les héros de demain

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série invite les enfants à découvrir, de façon ludique et positive, comment protéger la nature. À travers des histoires captivantes, elle sensibilise à l’écologie, à la biodiversité et à des gestes simples qui font la différence. Une belle manière de grandir en prenant soin de la planète et en inspirant un avenir meilleur, avec légèreté et optimisme.

Number of episodes: 5

Les vents du changement

Les vents du changement

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série explore avec douceur et bienveillance les grands et petits changements de la vie qui peuvent bouleverser les enfants. À travers des histoires touchantes et apaisantes, elle les aide à comprendre, à s’adapter et à grandir face à ces nouvelles étapes. Une invitation à vivre ces transformations avec sérénité et confiance.

Number of episodes: 1

Les amis du jurassique

Les amis du jurassique

🧠 Les Grandes Questions

💪 Les Défis de la Vie

🚀 Rêves et Aventures

🌱 Les Changements de la vie

🌍 Le Monde et Moi

❤️ Les Grands Sentiments

🤝 Les Valeurs Humaines

📚 L’Aventure d’Apprendre

🏃‍♂️ Moi et Mon Corps

Summary: Cette série transporte les enfants dans un monde fascinant peuplé de dinosaures, où chaque histoire leur fait découvrir ces créatures extraordinaires. Entre aventures palpitantes et moments d’émerveillement, elle nourrit leur passion tout en leur offrant des récits pleins de découvertes et de magie préhistorique.

Number of episodes: 1

Enjoy TaleMe today

Download TaleMe for free from the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone or tablet.

But TaleMe is also

Give children the taste of reading

Stimulate their imagination and creativity

Help them read and write better

Customized stories for families

Develop their language and vocabulary

Offer them precious family moments

Transmit messages and values to them

Develop their critical thinking

The power of stories to connect the real and the imaginary

The ability to transform daily lives into universal stories

Develop the bond between parents and children

No collection of sensitive data

Optimized resources for a controlled energy impact

Inclusion and diversity

Humanism, awakening, progress

« If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. »Albert Einstein

Awaken the child within you

Ready for an incredible odyssey into the imaginary?

Embark with your children today on the TaleMe adventure, and witness their growth day by day

TaleMe Freemium

TaleMe Freemium

free account creation

the small adventure

A part of the TaleMe catalog offered

Create and customize your stories in 30 seconds

TaleMe Premium

TaleMe Premium

monthly commitment-free

the big adventure

Unlock the entire TaleMe catalog, new episodes every month, series...

Access all episodes unlimited.

Create and customize your stories in just 5 seconds, with even more choices.

Unlock flash stories, fun, playful, and ultra-customizable short stories.

Read and listen to your stories anywhere, anytime

4.99 € / month
TaleMe Premium
Le meilleur choix

TaleMe Premium

for a year rich in emotions

the adventure with a capital A

Unlock the entire TaleMe catalog, new episodes every month, series...

Access all episodes unlimited.

Create and customize your stories in just 5 seconds, with even more choices.

Unlock flash stories, fun, playful, and ultra-customizable short stories.

Read and listen to your stories anywhere, anytime

All the benefits of monthly TaleMe premium, for an even smaller price

44.99€ / year, that's 3.66 € / month

Discover the TaleMe adventure today

Download TaleMe for free from the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone or tablet


TaleMe is an innovative application for parents who want to read incredible customized stories to their children. You choose a theme, answer inspiring questions, and our application generates, thanks to artificial intelligence, a captivating story with beautiful illustrations, ready to be shared and read.

Download the application from the Google PlayStore or Apple's App Store, create a free account with your email only, and start exploring the available themes immediately. Each theme will guide you through a set of questions to inspire your unique story.

Downloading TaleMe is free, and we always offer free themes that allow you to create unlimited stories to all families who want to bring back storytelling to their homes. If you want to access more features or themes, you can buy additional credits.

A theme is a narrative framework designed by our teams that allows you to create captivating and enriching stories for both children and parents, while transmitting positive values. This author's work enables the passing of messages and above all makes customization possible.

TaleMe is specifically designed for children aged 5 to 12. We adjust the vocabulary and the complexity of the plot for this age range and integrate safeguards to prevent the creation of inappropriate content.

Instead of simply choosing from predefined options, answering questions allows you to deeply customize your story. This ensures that each narrative is unique and reflects your own values and those of your family.

Can TaleMe be used in schools or libraries? Absolutely! TaleMe is an excellent tool for encouraging reading and creativity in educational institutions, offering an interactive way to engage students with reading and creative writing.

When creating stories, you can set them for children aged 5 to 8 and 9 to 12. This setting allows you to adapt the vocabulary and length of the story to these age ranges. However, nothing prevents you from telling the stories to younger or older children. Our goal is to enable you to create family moments and even your teens can have fun creating their own stories.

Credits are a virtual currency used in the TaleMe application to access premium themes and create stories. Each story created costs a certain number of credits, with a minimum price of 100 credits per story. You can buy credit packs according to your needs. Credits give you the freedom to choose from a variety of enriching themes to create even more personalized and unique stories with your children.

You can buy credit packs (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond) for greater flexibility. We also offer three subscription plans: Imagine, StoryTime, and Family, offering a variable number of credits each month to create stories.

Directly in the application, go to the 'Settings' tab where you can choose: 'Buy Credits'. Or in the Account/Subscription section to subscribe to a credit plan.

You can buy credit packs to access more themes or features, such as turning your story into an audio version. Your credits are valid for a year from the date of purchase and you can consume them as you wish in the application to extend your experience.

Your credits are valid for one year from the purchase date and accumulate as long as your account is active, giving you the freedom to use them at your own pace.

When you create a story, you have the option to share it with the TaleMe community. This also allows you to access hundreds of stories created by other TaleMe users. You also have the option to freely export your stories to PDF to print and read on paper or share with your loved ones.

Yes, all the stories you create are automatically saved in your personal library in the application, accessible at any time.

For any technical support, contact us via hello@talemeapp.com. We're here to help!

You can download the application for free on the App Store and Google Play. The application is currently available for smartphone and tablet.

An internet connection is required to access the application and its features. Some features, such as reading saved stories, may be available offline if you are connected.

At TaleMe, we attach great importance to the protection of the personal data of our users, in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). We only collect the data necessary for the proper functioning of our service and for improving the user experience. In addition, all personal data is anonymized, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information provided by our users.